lunedì 31 marzo 2014

Kaiser Chiefs Ricky Wilson says his former band mate is obsessed with trying new things

During an interview with Face Culture, Kaiser Chiefs members Ricky Wilson and Simon Rix answered a question about their former band mate Nick Hodgson, who left the band in late 2012.

“Did it come as a surprise? The very first time he mentioned it it was a surprise, but we sort of knew he was dealing with it”, said Simon Rix. “So when he announced it, to us it wasn’t a surprise.”

Frontman Ricky Wilson explained: “We knew he wasn’t entirely happy. In fact, when we made our fourth record, The Future Is Medieval, I don’t think he wanted to make another record, but then it was about coming up with a way of making him interested in making another record. That was the first time he had said it, but that was a catalyst for  having the idea of how to release it to make him interested. I remember going and telling him the idea to make him excited about a new record and within an hour we were shopping for clothes, so I thought he was excited again. So even before making the fourth record, you could tell his heart wasn’t as in it as it was at the beginning. I think he likes starting new things, I think that’s his addiction”.

sabato 29 marzo 2014

Kaiser Chiefs, album review: Ricky Wilson’s lyrics mordantly satirise British society

Despite being recorded  in America with the producer Ben H Allen (Animal Collective, Gnarls Barkley), Education, Education, Education & War finds Kaiser Chiefs at  their most British: indeed, it’s something of  a throwback to their debut, Employment.

Except that, as the mockingly sardonic title suggests, those dreams of employment have become the empty promises and deceits of politicians estranged from their electorate.

It’s a surprisingly angry album, Ricky Wilson’s lyrics mordantly satirising contemporary British society, but without the cheeky punchline pay-offs that used to ease the pain. Here, he can be brutally frank. “May I remind you that you’ve got nowhere to go?” he sings in “Coming Home”, a song about how we vainly try to drown disappointment in ephemeral partying. In the opener, “The Factory Gates”, his claim that “What you make on the factory floor, you take straight to the company store” harks all the way back to that earlier anthem of tied labour, “16 Tons”.

Elsewhere, his jaundiced eye alights on wannabe squaddies playing war games and fondling replica guns in “Ruffians on Parade”; the way that minds are mostly used for escapist fantasy in “Meanwhile Up in Heaven”; and the hapless lot of an army entertainer in “Misery Company”. A touch  of wistful melancholy creeps into “Roses”  and the morning-after-the-party song “My Life”, but there’s a mismatch overall between the angry observations and the pell-mell pop-rock riffing of tracks such as “Cannons” and “One More Last Song”, so eager to curry favour and cajole us into singalong hooks.

This kind of thing requires a fine, sly balance between the artful and the artless, and  they’ve not quite got it right this time.

Download: The Factory Gates; Coming Home; Ruffians on Parade

Source: independent

Ricky Wilson interview: "Everyone needs a shake-up every now and again"

“I’m getting too political now; I'm dragging myself into the political world,” says Ricky Wilson, sitting sideways across a chair in the offices of Real Radio in Tingley.

The 36-year-old singer is reflecting on the title of the new album by his band the Kaiser Chiefs – Education, Education, Education and War – adapted from a 1996 soundbite by the then Labour leader and aspiring prime minister Tony Blair.

He denies that the band were looking to make a political statement of their own.

“We’re not politicians, we wouldn’t want to be – it seems like the worst job in the world,” he says. “I think it takes a special kind of moron to become a politician – especially at the moment because it just seems to be like a popularity contest.”

Yet, he considers: “It’s weird because it’s a famous speech, the ‘education, education, education’ one, but that one was 20 years ago and the weirdest thing about that is the last time any British politician made a speech I can remember was nearly 20 years ago so it’s like no one wants to say anything any more.

“And I think at some point during our career we didn’t want to say anything any more. We were worried we’d get asked questions like that and we’d have to explain ourselves but then again you just have to have a little bit of abandon about it and go, ‘Do you know what? If the questions are going to come, they’re going to come’.

“If people think we’re trying to be political they’re going to twist it. Everyone’s going to twist everything so just don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about what people think.”

Wisely, Wilson declines to say who he votes for, “because at the end of the day I’m a pop star and I’m not going to change the world – I just want to make them dance”.

Wilson may now be a television star thanks to a highly successful stint as a judge on the primetime BBC One show The Voice yet this album, the Kaiser Chiefs’ fifth, emerged from a difficult period for Leeds’s most successful band of modern times.

Modest sales of their previous two records – Off With Their Heads and The Future is Medieval, an internet experiment in which they allowed fans to download their own track list from an array of 20 songs – had been followed by the departure of drummer Nick Hodgson, the band’s principal songwriter.

Yet adversity seems to have brought out the best in them.

“We’ve always been at our best when our backs are against the wall, when we’ve been fighting out of a corner, when we’re the underdog,” Wilson says. “I don’t think it really suits us when we’re on top.

“I don’t like being comfortable because I’m not creative when I’m comfortable. Everyone needs a shake-up every now and again, not just for creativity but more to remind you of how hard you worked at the beginning and how much you wanted it at one point.”

Hodgson apparently told his band mates that he thought the Kaiser Chiefs were finished without him. “Was I upset?” Wilson says, when asked how he reacted. “Obviously the band means a lot to me hence the fact that I’m still in it. Upset is a weird way of putting it. I was probably angry but I never doubted the fact that I could still be in a band.”

The anger seems to have dissipated and the pair are back on friendlier terms. “I saw him just the other week when we opened the new wing of Old Chapel, the rehearsal rooms in Holbeck that we had,” Wilson says. “We all went up there because while Nick was still in the band we donated a bit of cash to the new wing.”

Hodgson’s replacement, Vijay Mistry, previously drummed for Leeds group Club Smith. It turns out Simon Rix, the Kaiser Chiefs’ bass player, was once in a band with Mistry, “so we knew him really well”.

“Before getting a great drummer we knew we had to travel around the world with him, we wanted to have a great friend and he’s such a nice guy,” says Wilson.

Seeing the world through their new recruit’s eyes “is making me appreciate it a lot more because he’s appreciating it...Getting on an aeroplane isn’t a chore for him and it shouldn’t be for me, so I’m enjoying it a lot more.”

Wilson recently said he thought the new album surpasses even Employment, their debut album which sold two million copies and was nominated for the 2005 Mercury Prize. “I wouldn’t have made it if I didn’t,” he affirms today. “No one should make anything if they don’t think they’re improving. Even if no one agrees, I think it’s important as the artist you should think that.”

Education, Education, Education and War’s shares Employment’s feisty spirit. It feels almost like a debut. “The thing is it is,” Wilson says. “Obviously it’s a different band and it’s the closest in DNA to our first because it’s the closest we’ve been to that group of people again, with that amount of jeopardy, with that amount of ‘we’ve got to make this happen’, because we knew we had to be twice as good as we even thought we could be to come up with the results.”

Many of the songs have a bleak backdrop but even in the darkest recesses the band have a knack of finding hope. “I’m glad you see that,” says Wilson, although he admits he’s not, by nature, an optimist. “I think the album touches on a lot of stuff about futility and it is quite dark, but because it is quite dark the moments of hope shine brighter, so when they do come it’s a relief.

“But,” he smiles, “it’s still pop music.”

The song Bows and Arrows has been billed as the first that Wilson and Rix have written together. Yet it transpires that there was one previous, less notable ditty, called Cagoule which, Wilson says, “no one’s going to hear”.

Bows and Arrows “shows that we’ve come a long way”, he says.

“It was an education last year for us, it was finding our band again, it was discovering that we have picked up a few things along the way and we have learned how to write songs and we always could do it. It took a big shake-up to have the confidence to admit that.”

Education, Education, Education and War is released on Monday, March 31. The Kaiser Chiefs play at Doncaster Racecourse on June 28. 

venerdì 28 marzo 2014

Listen to Education, Education, Education & War: new Kaiser Chiefs album stream!

Be among the first to hear the new album from Kaiser Chiefs, and let us know what you think in the comments.

It's not easy keeping a band going when the main songwriter leaves. But Kaiser Chiefs singer Ricky Wilson reckons the departure of Nick Hodgson gave him a sense of purpose. "To be honest, I was more angry at myself for having not pulled my weight, for getting lazy," he told the Guardian's Tim Jonze. "Somewhere along the way we lost that anger. So basically, he did me a massive favour."

Combine that sense of focus with Wilson's role as a judge on The Voice, and Kaiser Chiefs are arguably in a stronger position than they have been for years. “I don’t want to peddle that old rubbish about being a new band again but for us it did feel like we were making our first record, because it was the first time we didn’t have the captain steering the ship," he told one interviewer. "It was adrift, heading for the rocks. But the crew was having a whale of a time!”

Now you can hear what the new-look Kaisers sound like. Have a listen to Education, Education, Education & War in the player below, and let us know what you think in the comments box. 

Welcome to Kaiser Chiefs News, a new blog

Welcome to Kaiser Chiefs News, a brand new news blog made by Facebook page Kaiser Chiefs Fans for fans. Due to the lack of fan made sources about this awesome band, we just thought it would be handy to collect news and facts regarding the Chiefs in one place. Head top for all the latest on the lads from Leeds and feel free to contribute to this blog. Enjoy your stay.

Alex and Fred from Italy