lunedì 31 marzo 2014

Kaiser Chiefs Ricky Wilson says his former band mate is obsessed with trying new things

During an interview with Face Culture, Kaiser Chiefs members Ricky Wilson and Simon Rix answered a question about their former band mate Nick Hodgson, who left the band in late 2012.

“Did it come as a surprise? The very first time he mentioned it it was a surprise, but we sort of knew he was dealing with it”, said Simon Rix. “So when he announced it, to us it wasn’t a surprise.”

Frontman Ricky Wilson explained: “We knew he wasn’t entirely happy. In fact, when we made our fourth record, The Future Is Medieval, I don’t think he wanted to make another record, but then it was about coming up with a way of making him interested in making another record. That was the first time he had said it, but that was a catalyst for  having the idea of how to release it to make him interested. I remember going and telling him the idea to make him excited about a new record and within an hour we were shopping for clothes, so I thought he was excited again. So even before making the fourth record, you could tell his heart wasn’t as in it as it was at the beginning. I think he likes starting new things, I think that’s his addiction”.

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